
I stop on the road,



I knew where I was headed

At one time

Before the path pushed past me

And now – I’m unsure.

I climbed a hill once.

I climbed many.

Any would have been difficult enough

But many

Left me fearful and distrustful,

Cautious, cynical.

The sun that sets, they say, will shine again

But the dawn feels distant

And I, resistant.

As darkness deepens,

The moon lights the path behind.

The way forward is dark as doom.

Thoughts are my enemy

Swelling my fears

Compelling anxieties.

The bats and the beasts

Bump in the dark of my mind.

Demons, a cacophony

Dance in my head

Weakness and worry

Failure and doubt

The nightmares of lack

I’ve created in my mind.

I’ve created.

I step forward

The moon lights the way.